Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

1.i cant stand when people ask so many questions
2.when girls fight over boyz
3.when people that you don't know they don't like you or want to fight you
4. when people talk that stuff and don't do nothing
5.when my mom blame me for everything
6.when my mom yell for no reason
7. when boys sag
8. when people tell me to shut up
9. when people push you and don't nothing they just keep walking
10. when let people see you stuff and they don't give it back or they lose it
11. when people turn there back on you
12when people think they know every thing but they don't
13.when people made at you for no reason
14. when people make a promise a don't keep it
15.being the shorties
16.when people lies
17.people that talk fast
18. when people call your house and say who this
19.when people just walk in the bathroom
20.when people think they hard
21.when girls be fat in they ware two peace
22.when people talk to much
23.when people fight
24.when i have to pick only one thing
25. when I have to talk in front on the class or school

1 comment:

  1. a watching girls fight for a guy is fun and they might fight and nimber 8 u have to do no offence lol XD
