Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life-Changing Event

Life changing was when my grandma die.Frist she was the best cook.Next she look after us.Last was helpful.How dose it fell to lose some one?

Frist she was the best cook.Everday she will are wake us up so we can eat. Then when we come home from school she have are dinner ready.She cook ever hoilday.She cook greens,corn bread, mc n cheess,dressing,ham, pig feet,chitlens,orker ,chichen ,and a lot of other food. I just miss her food because my mom dont like to cook so we eat popeye and other food. i love we she looked after us.

Next she looked after us.she make sure got to schoo on time.She make sure we had clean cloths and if we didnt she will wash them out for us.she gave us money very time we needed it.she make sure we got to bed on time. she make sur are home work was right.she wash us go to school.i miss evey thing she did for us. she a big help to me
Last she was helpful.she help us with are home work if we didnt get it and explain so we can under stan in a different way. she help us get out of trouble with me mom.she help me cook my class some cup cake for valentine day.she was the love my life no homo.she was the one that all way there for my like that time i got screw driver stuch in my leg she wnet to dorter with.she was the best.

Life changing was when my grandma die. Frist she was the best cook. Next she looked after us. Last she was helpful. i miss you so much.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

best day ever

the best day ever in when are whole class went to in school. the day before we had a sub in ever one was hitting people with paper ball and spit balls. we didn't do no work nothing we was just having are own little fun the she call the office they cam up in pull out ever body one by one. so tone didn't trick. so they left so we keep doing what we was doing. they came back in no one new so ever on just got a write up. the next day ever one one was in school doing the same thing it was fun in till Dr.Sweeney came in in said if ya ll don't control your self all of yall will be getting in out of school. we com down a little but we still had fun. the best ever in school.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

nature haiku

nature is color, black,.white,red and pink
the sea, trees,grass ,ocean