Well let me get more into my family. We are a very happy family we get a long very will. We have 2 bed room me, Jim and, Nana. Nana stay up in the dark rocking in the rocking chair netting and looking out the window. She love to help out around the house. we have a little place where we grow are food but its not a farm. We can have a farm because mom think its to much. She think she have a lot all ready. I told her I will help her but I guess not. She don’t want us doing nothing around the house. I am 5 year and my older brother is 6 years old. We go to school down the road. It not very far ones you get the hang of it. Mom watch us walk to school. We have to hold hand all the way there. We is very close well tell each other ever thing even a deep dark secret. My little brother don’t go to school because he is to little. we go out said after we are done with a home work in change are clothes. We help each other with a homework. After that ever things done we go to sleep and do the same thin but something different to eat.